Part three of three - Notes - Queen of Serpents the Day Demoness : After Hours Ministries Apologetics
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Part three of three - Notes - Queen of Serpents the Day Demoness

by Bryan W Melvin on 01/09/19

Part Three Notes: Chaldean Number meanings of Ashtaroth’s Zodiac position

By B W Melvin

Electronic Copyright 2019



The Zodiac Position is: 25-29 degrees of Taurus and 10 - 20 degrees of Capricorn – Let’s first explore the constellation Capricorn, which in ancient Sumerian was associated with the planet Saturn (Enlil), and also related to the Mesopotamian god Enki = called the goatfish…


Ashtaroth’s Zodiac position


What I am about to share is based on the use of Chaldean Numerology and how the numeric meaning from Ashtaroth’s Zodiac positions shows what this entity is up too, its task, and its goal. The ancient Chaldean system is like reading enemy propaganda boasting of their glory and renown.  


What I am going to share is based solely on my research compiled from various sources that share common meanings of Chaldean numbers. In that system, simple mathematical reduction formulas add to the numeric meanings which corresponds to a subject, a context, which concerns Ashtoreth for us.


These deduction formulas come by adding numbers used together such as 10+20 to find the sum, 30. The sum total of 30 is reduced further to its lowest number form like this: 3+0=3. So, you end up with these number, 10,20,30 and 3. You also can reduce 10 to 1+0=1 and come up with 1,2,3.


Next you look at the number meaning based on the subject and the storyline seen in the celestial bodies (planets, stars) that the numbers also represent. Numeric meanings are set up like our own dictionaries and contain several meanings for one word. The Subject and context pinpoint the meaning and a story is revealed.


The Chaldean numeric system is used in occult world along with the Kabbalah and Pythagorean systems. Therefore, to research to find the closest meaning involves noting similar meanings and stick with these. I do not advise doing this because people go number happy and can get stupid.


To shorten things a bit for you, here is a synopsis of the storyline. It amazingly follows the bible. 

At some point, there was a rebellion in the Heaven to overthrow God’s throne as Revelation 12:1-12 reveals. It failed and a third of the rebellious angels were cast to earth in what appears in a progression till that 1/3rd number was reached by the time of Genesis Chapter Six when the fallen angels attempted to corrupt the human gene pool in order to prevent the words God spoke in Genesis 2:15 from happening.  

The rebellious Watchers were defeated by the flood in the time of Noah and suffered great set back. At least 200 of the leading fallen watchers were sent to the abyss for 70 generations for this till they will be released to fight the final battle in their quest to defeat and overthrow God's throne. (5)

In the book of Jubilees it tells how 10 percent of the 200 leaders were allowed to remain around earth. There were seven top leaders of the rebellion and of these, the devil and two of these top leaders were allowed to remain. The other four were sent to the abyss and can influence people from there. (6)


Ashtaroth was one of those allowed to remain, the second, third, or fourth in command took over the roles of the 4 imprisoned watchers. With this background, comes the story line involving the planned rise of the final antichrist by creating chaos so new golden age, a new world order arises to dethrone God by using humanity as pawns.

The remaining fallen angels are relentless in their plans to bring forth their very messiah to humanity in order to restore their antediluvian golden age. This failed when Jesus Christ came and defeated death and the enemy on the cross and by the resurrection when he crushed the head of the serpent as Gen 3:15 states.

From here this is where Ashtoreth’s/Ishtar’s celestial Zodiac position numbers adds more details to this storyline by examining their numeric meaning.


Celestial Identifiers


The numeric meaning and formula of 10 - 20 degrees also identifies fallen angels who go by the names of old pagan (false) gods. By this, we discover their plan and story line. For simplicity here it is:


Ashtoreth’s Zodiac position of 10 – 20 degrees of Capricorn uses the formula 10+20=30 finding the sum of 30. These numbers are associated with planets and stars which identify fallen angels because the ancient religions identified their gods that way. 


For example, the Number 10 is associated with the planet Jupiter (who is Anu, aka Zeus, aka Satan) and Babylonian dragon deity, Marduk. The number 20 is associated with the sun deity - Utu also known as Shammash and also known in Greek as Apollo and known in the bible as Apollyon in Revelation 9:11. The Number 30 is the moon deity known as Nanna/Sin…


Thus, from Jupiter (10) comes a work to bring forth a son – Nergal/Apollo aka Tammuz (20) out of the abyss to rule the world by the help provided by the Moon false god, Nanna (30), who is related to Ishtar/big Jezebel (Venus) along with the remaining two of  the triple goddesses.


The task of Ishtar/big Jezebel is to create the means and climate whereby this leader can come forth out of the abyss. This is seen in the reduced sum 3 found by 3+0=3. The word meaning of 3 identifies the role and works of Ashtoreth/Ishtar.  


So, you have the sun, moon, and star symbols used in many secret societies such as in the pillars of Free Masonry. They are united to bring forth a one world governmental leader – the son of the Dragon. By use of the Sun by wisdom and by Moon’s severity to bring forth chaos into the world by Venus. So, this leader can arise from the pit – the son of the Dragon who comes from below by means of Ashtoreth’s influence governed from above. (7)


This is where the adding and reduction of the numbers used, and their number meanings come into focus next derived this way: 10+20=30 reduced 3+0= back to the number 3.


Basic meanings of 10, 20, 30, and 3 in the Chaldean number system:


10 denotes a "Wheel of Fortune" that promotes honor, faith, in a self-confident hubris of one's rise and fall so that one will be either be known for their renown of good or evil governed by their actions of their desires. This number has a root meaning that adds to the meaning of 10 of being fortunate that one's plans are carried out by playing the game, playing the or ‘a’ system against itself. (Jupiter, the dragon, Satan is a master of this).


20 Means "the Awakening" and "the Judgement". Its symbol is of a winged angel sounding a trumpet call to action, while from below a man, a woman, and a child are seen rising from a tomb/ abyss with their hands clasped in prayer responding to the call to action by contacted fallen angels, etc.


In the occult world back then and now, this number is a call to action and duty, for a far greater cause leading to momentous future event so all people awaken and ally themselves to it. Or face harsh judgment against them that oppose by delaying, thwarting, hindering anyone against this planned awakening. Note: One of Utu aka Apollo roles is the one who brings forth judgment.


30 Means the use of thoughtful deduction, retrospection, and mental superiority over others. It willingly surrenders everything to the cause, duty. In this it represents an all-powerful mental state that is indifferent to the will or desires of the person under its influences or those its attacks. This is related to one of the charter traits of the false moon deity Nanna.


3 Means manifestations and expansion to create, manifests Ideas, to increase entrepreneurship /commerce, and forms of entertainment to brainwash/propagandize by one’s innate appreciation of pleasure, romance, art, and beauty. Justifies allowing all things as possible (do as thou will sum up the idea). It is extensive, sociable, dramatic, communicative, diversified, and creative. In Tarot cards this one known as the Empress of Divine Activity.


Think of the Whore of Babylon, Ashtoreth, as the Empress of divine activity. The activity that Ashtoreth does on earth to humanity is mention in the numeric meaning of 3.


Let's look as the meaning of these numbers and discover Ashtoreth tasks


Add to storyline note in the beginning to Ashtaroth’s Zodiac positions number meanings and, well, see for yourself. Ashtaroth task is to keep the


10 "Wheel of Fortune"  favorable so one's plans are carried out by playing the system against itself  by being a part of the system - in order to bring forth an…


20 "Awakening” from below for "Judgement” above by a call to action that comes from angels sounding trumpets to awaken a man, a woman, for the need of a child to arise from the abyss below to fulfill the devil’s cause and war against those that oppose the cause. (this is to be carried out…)


30 By the use of thoughtful deduction, retrospection, to gain mental superiority over others to force submission and surrender all for 'the cause' by being totally indifferent to  those who follow it and those its attacks. (This is brought forth…)


3 by manifesting, expanding, creating ideas, to increase entrepreneurship /commerce, and forms of entertainment to brainwash/propagandize by one’s innate appreciation of pleasure, romance, art, beauty, self-glory to war to win and control all brought forth by the Empress of Divine Activity


Please note - In the Book of Revelation we see the beast and false prophet arise from the abyss and thus are the man and child (devil’s messiah) mentioned in the meaning the number 20’s. The woman represents as best as can derive, Ninshursag aka Azazel - the old crone of triple goddess worship. 

Also note that The Whore of Babylon, aka Ishtar/Ashtoreth took over the old crone’s task to bring this all about on earth due to Ninshursag - Azazel's imprisonment. 


I know this will sound strange but starting around 2008 to 2018 strange trumpet sounds were heard worldwide and since then the explosion in gene splicing, AI development, and technology is simply astounding. Governmental leaders are openly pushing for one world government. Add to this, the rise of paganism world-wide.


I think you get the idea of the occult awakening of the last days as the numbers reveals Ashtoreth’s role to supply the means, plan, wealth, power, idea, knowledge to bring forth the beast and false prophet from the abyss. This is why occultist hold this one so dear.


25-29 degrees of Taurus - 25+29=54


Here 'is' the bottom line meanings of 25, 29 and 54:


25. denotes gaining strength through experience of trials, testing’s, strife, early on in life which lesson learned prove favorable late in life or a later time.

Note: In book of Rev chapter 12 the devil and his followers rebelled against God and were banished to earth. This, in their eyes, this was used to gain experience, wisdom, knowledge to use to their advantage in the later times in their attempt to overthrow God’s throne.


29. denotes the use of uncertainties, treachery, unreliableness, disunity, and deception of others and warns against this happening in the future within a group and/or using these traits against a foe to destroy their future gains of winning. 


What is learned is used to create uncertainty, chaos, treachery, make folks unreliable, sow disunity, and use deception in their foe’s camp. This reminds of 2 Tim 3:1-9 and the prophetic teaching concerning the last days.


54. Denotes acquiring and using material security to go all out to achieve goals, to win. Also denotes - the acquiring and heaping up of wealth, power, inheritance correctly all in unity within a group with united focus to attain a group’s united goal, endgame.


The other part of the meaning of 54 is this: If any setbacks occur then all ‘the team players’ must unite their specialist abilities in promoting change/adapt in order regain any lost ground. If unity is broken all the wealth, power, influence,  is lost and squandered away and the goal delayed.  

This means, they stick together and in lock step with each other. Support each other lies, pool resources for their new golden age to dawn.  

So, what I can best fit together using this method and applying context to Ashtoreth from the Zodiac degree numbers and meanings is this:


25 – in time past the fallen watchers fell from heaven and are attempting to gain strength by the experience of trials, testing’s, of the strife/war of their past rebellion and use this experience to reach a favorable outcome of dethroning God and taking over. (This is now headed up by Ashtoreth who)


29 –learned from past (Genesis 6) to create uncertainty, chaos, treachery, make humanity unreliable to each other, sow disunity, and use of deception in their foe’s camp better than they did before with oneness of purpose to reach the goal of dethroning God and taking over. (This is accomplished)


54 – by acquiring wealth and power as the material security needed to go all out to achieve the goal to win. One wins human agents over by this to unite them with the cause/goal by having groups combine wealth and resources to reach the goal by heaping it up on them by teaching them dark arts to connect with them – give them power and wealth to take over the world and so they can war against God. If any ground is lost, or set-backs occur reach the goal, then all ‘the team players’ must unite lockstep their specialist abilities in promoting change, adapt, in order regain any lost ground.


Next reduce the sum 54 as 5+4=9


This is done thru - 5 - communications, travel writing, promoting Eros, freedom, change that promotes new adventures, adding a vital life force to life by an irresistible magnetism guided by a – Divine Voice – (i.e. communication with fallen watchers)


By - 4 - divine overcoming by building unity, being detailed, dependable, and by constructing consciousness by the use of laws, systems, and order, discipline on earth so the emperor/world leader can overcome God’s order.


This is done by selling/fooling humanity by appeals – 9 - Humanitarian love, compassion, patience, universality, all are one, tolerance, selfless service (social justice), by divine light (illumination) from the fallen ones.

Now I ask you, do you see these things taking shape today?


Using further reduction methods, we arrive at these numbers and their meanings: 7,11, 18, and 9


How - 2+5=7 and 2+9=11 and 7+11=18 and 1+8=9




7.Metaphysical mysteries, spiritual mysteries, mediator (as in sorcery, divination), investigator, seeker, philosophies, all to elevate consciousness (as in intellectual elitism). to achieve divine victory


Context of victory refers dethroning God and taking over and along with this comes a warning…


11.Is an ominous number to occultists. It gives warning of hidden dangers, trial, and treachery from others. It has a symbol of a "Clenched Hand", and "a Lion Muzzled", and of a person who will have great difficulties to contend against.


Please note: The contextual warning 'of others' refers to the Lord Jesus Christ, the Commander of the Lord’s Armies see Rev 19 - and those in the Church who are faithful to God. The message is clear, Ashtaroth’s task is hinder the Lord’s return by creating the following in God's people and all of humanity... 


18. denotes: bitter quarrels, even family ones, war, social upheavals, revolutions; and in making money and gain prominence thorough all types of warfare and outright war. This number also warns of treachery, deception by others, and of natural disasters such as storms, floods, fires and explosions.


Please Note – Read Mathew 24, Luke 17 and Luke 21 and do you see the same issues? And this is accomplished on earth by pushing forth described by the number 9…


By pushing on humanity – 9 denotes: Humanitarianism, ideas of love and compassion, patience, universality (all are one), tolerance, selfless service (social justice ideas), and ending oppression toward achieving divine light for all (humanity).


Do you see these ideas today?


Now put it together with…


10 "Wheel of Fortune" favor and hubris faith that one's plans are carried out by playing the game, playing the system. (to bring forth an…)


20 "Awakening” from above for "Judgement” below. By a call to action that comes from angels sounding trumpets to awaken a man, a woman, and a child to arise from the abyss to fulfill a great cause and war against those that oppose the cause. (this is to be carried out…)


30 By the use of thoughtful deduction, retrospection, and mental superiority over others to force submission and surrender all for the cause by being totally indifferent to those its attacks and those who follow it. (This is brought forth…)


3 by manifesting, expanding, creating ideas, to increase entrepreneurship /commerce, and forms of entertainment to brainwash/propagandize by one’s innate appreciation of pleasure, romance, art, beauty, self-glory to war to win and control all brought forth by the Empress of Divine Activity.


That describes the task of Ashtoreth and we are seeing these today playing out – are we not?


Further notes – what does Chaldean numbers mean for 666?


666 comes from adding these numbers together 600+60+6. Thus 600, 60, 6 have meanings and the fallen angels, pagan false deities associated with them.


600 – is Timat  - the chaos being – known also as Ninshursag (Old crone of triple goddess lore)


60 is Anu – known aka as Satan/Zeus in Greek pantheon 


6 is Nergal/Apollo’s number


Bible says 6 is number for a man – the son of the devil – to release chaos- Timat/Ninshurag/Azazel from the abyss.




Also note - In the bible in Isaiah 65:11 ESV/NASB mentions two false deities identified as fortune (Gad) and destiny (Meni) in the ESV and NASB. Jewish interpretations have Gad identified with the planet Jupiter and called by the Arabs “the greater Luck-fortune both correspond to the number 10 in Chaldean number system.


Meni (M?nî) is identical with the goddess Arabian god Manât, who is known also as Ninshurag/Azazel the old crone of triple goddess worship…


Look at the number 20 again: "Awakening” from below for "Judgement” above. By a call to action that comes from angels sounding trumpets to awaken a man, a woman, and a child to arise from the abyss to fulfill a great cause and war against those that oppose the cause. (this is to be carried out…)


It is a shame that the much of the modern church has taken the supernatural out of the bible and does not teach what once was known as “givens” by 2 temple era Jews and the early church during its first 300 years. So much is missed in bible prophecy.


The world is moving toward that occultic 10 attitude very openly in media, government, science, arts, etc showing their plans, broadcasting them. 2 Timothy 2:1-9 reveals the effects in church people in the last days who acts like the world does promoting self-love gospels, being haughty with the things of God as okay.


We see the occult number 30 - meaning in operation today. The big Jezebel spirit and his minions giving his human followers a mental superiority attitude of introspective elitism who desire one world Government so that all aspects of science, math, the arts, government, media, etc are united by the occult number 3 and 20’s meanings.


Have you notice how brainwashed the left, the cultural Marxist are – they listen to no one and allow no opposition to their wise plans. If one opposes it is all severity pushed on them to either submit or be silenced.


Meanwhile the much of the modern church focuses only attaining blessing by rituals and use of the ways of the world as the means for success and not on what is coming down the pike. So sad.


Jesus said this…  "Be on guard, so that your hearts will not be weighted down with dissipation and drunkenness and the worries of life, and that day will not come on you suddenly like a trap; for it will come upon all those who dwell on the face of all the earth. "But keep on the alert at all times, praying that you may have strength to escape all these things that are about to take place, and to stand before the Son of Man." Luke 21:34-36. NASB 



**Please note that I did not post reference to where one can find the Chaldean number meanings for you, the readers own protection.




(5) Book of 1 Enoch 10:4-8 - tells of the 200 fallen watcher leaders were bound in chains for 70 generations for their crimes and then to be released back on earth for final conflict during the 70th generation.


(6) Book of Jubilees 10:4-9 explains how 10 percent escaped the abyss so that out of 20 top commanders this left Satan plus two top commanders to carry on along with others who took the place of those sent to the abyss for 70 generations.


 (7) The Genesis 6 Conspiracy, Gary Wayne, Trusted Books, 2014, Section I pages 33-65 and Section VI pages 485-547 

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